“Being a fitness instructor my feet are pretty bad. After my appointment my feet felt fantastic they have never felt so good.
Thank you so much well worth the money!” - M.Monaghan

Our Services and Treatments


Callus Removal

Calluses are larger areas of harder or toughened skin, typically found on weight bearing parts of the feet, such as the soles of the feet, and caused by ill fitting footwear or an inproper walking motion amongst other things.



Corns are smaller than calluses and have a hard center surrounded by inflamed skin. Corns tend to develop on parts of your feet that don't bear weight, such as the tops and sides of your toes and even between your toes.


Verrucas are warts on the soles of your feet. They may have tiny black dots in the centre and can be painful when you put weight on them. They tend to look quite flat because of the pressure put on them. Clusters of verrucae can fuse together.


Bio Mechanical

Podiatry Biomechanics is the way in which the muscles, bones and joints of the feet and lower limbs interact and move. We look at function, alignment and structure - specifically in terms of impact absorption and propulsion, gait analysis and range of motion.

We will carry our an analysis, looking at the way you walk, in order to identify links between any symptoms you may have and the position and function of your feet and lower limbs. They will also examine the structures of your feet and lower limb in order to identify the problem area involved.


For a Clinic appointment with a treatment - £30

For a home visit - £35